About Squirrel: Appearance, biology, life cycle, habitat, diet, behavior

Squirrels are, in a nutshell, small rodents. These rodents typically have a slender body as well as a bushy tail. They also have large eyes. Most of the time, the fur of a squirrel is silky and soft. However, some species of squirrels have thicker tails. These animals come in various colors and their color is variable between their species. The hind limbs of squirrels are much longer than their fore limbs. Squirrels have four or five toes on their paws. Most squirrels have a poorly developed thumb finger. These animals have an excellent vision. Their sturdy and versatile claws enable them great climbing abilities.

These rodents belong to the biological family called Sciuridae. The biological family to which squirrels belong to includes medium-sized rodents as well as small rodents. There are several main types of squirrels. The main types of squirrels are:
• Tree Squirrels
• Ground Squirrels
• Marmots
• Chipmunks
• Prairie Dogs
• Flying Squirrels
These animals are indigenous to the Eurasia, Africa, and the America. However, they were also introduced to the Australian continent by humans.

Life Cycle
Usually, a female squirrel will give birth to two litters of squirrels each year. On average, one litter of squirrels contains two to four young squirrels. However, depending on several factors, such as weather conditions, food supply, and other conditions, squirrels can carry up to eight young in only one brood. Squirrel litters are usually born in winter. They are also born in midsummer. Pregnancy of a female squirrel usually lasts for two months. Squirrel young are born without any hairs. They typically weight 15 grams at birth. Squirrel babies are completely weaned from their mother after two months. They reach adulthood nine months after birth.

Squirrels can be found on every continent, excluding Antarctica and Australia. Tree squirrels are mostly found inhabiting wooded areas, since they love living on trees. Ground squirrels, as their name implies, live on the ground or under it. These animals dig burrows and create a system of underground tunnels in which they live. When it comes to flying squirrels, we can say that these rodents make holes in trees and make those holes their home.

These animals aren’t capable of digesting cellulose so their diet must rely on foods that are abundant in proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Early spring is the hardest time for a squirrel to find food. A squirrel’s diet consists of a wide range of plants, including green vegetation, fungi, fruits, seeds, nuts, and conifer cones. However, it is not strange to see a squirrel eating meat or insects. These animals sometimes also eat small birds, young snakes, and eggs.

These animals are highly vocal and territorial. They can be extremely noisy when their mating season starts. These small rodents mark their territory with their urine. Don’t be surprised if a squirrel starts barking at you. This means that it just protects its territory. When food is abundant, squirrels horde it in minuscule amounts in several locations.

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About Squirrel: Appearance, biology, life cycle, habitat, diet, behavior