How to Identify the Type of Wildlife Poop in an Attic

When you’ve got animals in your attic, there’s only one course of action you can take to guarantee their departure. You have to trap them. Whether you use lethal traps or opt for a more humane alternative, you’re going to be faced with the predicament of discerning your approach. What type of traps should you use? What sort of bait do you need? The only way to answer questions like these is by figuring out what type of animal has taken up residence in your home. You might think this would be as simple as marching up into the attic and shining a flashlight on some wild-eyed critter, but it is usually a bit more complicated. An easy go-to method for figuring out what kind of animal is in your attic is the identification of feces.

Step One: Ew, Do I Have to Touch That?
The first thing you want to do in such a predicament is be safe. There are diseases that can be contracted through inhalation, as well as contaminants that spread through touch. You’ll want to wear gloves and a facemask when investigate the droppings left by the animal. Your goal here is to identify, which can involve some physical contact, but the primary method of identification will come from sight. You need to guess at its size and decipher its form. Is it a small, round pellet, or a cylindrical dark mass? Do the ends come to a point, or are they flattened? Even though it is an unpleasant experience, you need to able to answer these questions for proper identification.

Step Two: What Did This Little Guy Have For Lunch?
The next step is determining how many types of excrement there are and what discernable food particles are visible. The number of droppings can alert you to the amount of animals you are dealing with, which can help you prepare for the process of removing them from the attic. The food particles will actually help you identify the type of creature in your attic, especially when considered in correlation with your habitat and environment.

Step Three: Getting Down And Dirty
You have to do some research now, based on all of your findings. You can compare the identifiable traits of the fecal matter with the images and information that are available online for you to use.

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