Groundhog Trapping - How To Catch Groundhogs with Traps

Groundhogs also commonly known as woodchucks are rodents, which inhabit the low lands of North America. They are commonly found in the central and north eastern parts of United States. They have sharp claws, which they use to make burrows in the ground. They use the burrows for hibernating, nursing and shelter from wild predators. They feed on grass, wild berries and agricultural produce. Such a diet would mean that they would eat planted vegetables in your garden, and cause further damage to the lawn if they invade the lawn. Many wild hogs hibernate in winter and wake up in the month of March. After hibernation, they begin their mating season. After this, the females give birth one month after mating to 5 or more baby woodchucks.

Many homeowners consider removing them from their garden, so that they may save whatever little remains in the garden. In case they do not want to remove the ground hogs on their own, they might consider hiring the services of a professional wildlife trapper. Most of the wildlife trappers charge for the traps and also for every animal they successfully trap. A reputable wildlife trapper should be ready to discuss on payment policy for all the unintended animals caught.

The right kind of trap should measure 10x12x36 inches and should be stable. Many woodchucks or groundhogs are strong and may become irritated when trapped. They would try their best to free themselves, and in the process may end up escaping if the trap is not stable or strong.

Successfully trapping a ground hog
Before setting a trap for the ground hog, you should consider finding the entrance point to their tunnels. Then, you can set the trap at least 5 inches away from the mouth of the burrow. You can set up some guiding barriers parallel to each other using blocks, canvas or nets. This helps in guiding the woodchuck directly down the path towards the trap. You can also camouflage the trap using a piece of cloth or canvas, and vegetation. Some professional wildlife trappers recommend that you soil the trap if it is new or cover it with some vegetation so that it does not shine. The trap can get a woodchuck during the day, because the groundhogs are active at this time. It is not a nocturnal animal like raccoons, skunks and opossums.

You should be careful once the animal is trapped. Many wild animals are agitated whenever they are trapped, so they might act in an unpredictable way and might bite or claw at you. In case you hire the services of a professional trapper, do not add any more food to the bait he might set. He probably has a lot of experience in catching wild animals more than you do. You should also avoid moving the traps to locations you think is right without informing the wildlife trapper. You should also avoid feeding the trapped animal or giving it water. In case the day is hot and humid, you should throw a wet towel on the trap to protect it from dehydration.

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Groundhog Trapping - How To Catch Groundhogs with Traps