Snakes in the wall – How to find and remove them

Snakes can be very troublesome and very destructive. They are small and this gives them much advantage of penetrating most of the areas where other animals cannot access like the walls.

Proper timing
With a proper knowledge of the activities of the snakes, you can easily comprehend how to get rid of the snakes in the best possible manner.

Snakes living within the walls will not easily leave their nests during the daytime and this is the period I would want to call the golden moment to catch the snakes you want. Daytime is the best time to conduct all your searches and finally apprehend the nuisance animal.

Before setting up the traps
Before you embark in any extermination method you are advised to;

• Do a thorough search of the animal you are dealing with. Not only the snakes will leave within the walls, also other animals will leave there and may require more customized method to trap them.
• Dropping and some tracks should help you identify the rodent bothering you as the snakes otherwise if you lack these obvious signs know that you are dealing with other animals that require sophisticated handling.
• Check out for any holes in the floor ceilings and everywhere. This should also give you a solid proof of what you are dealing with and truly justify that a snakes is in your house. If you don’t see such signs know that another animal has become your visitor and not the snakes.
• Look also for chewed surfaces in your home, snakes love chewing and destroying. This should prove to you that you are dealing with snakes.

Knowing what you are dealing with is very important as it will also help you decide on the method to use when trapping.

Luring the snakes
snakes are clever animals and they will not get out of the walls if they notice something weird happening to their dens, therefore you need to come up with something or a plan and one way to achieve that are luring them with a bait. This will get them out and then you can catch them by trapping or any other method.

Getting the snakes out of the wall might be difficult but one the snakes are out you can now apply different techniques on how to deal with them in the best possible way.

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Snakes in the wall – How to find and remove them