How to Trap Opossums

Opossums, commonly called possums are found in Australia. They are the size of a cat with grey to black fur, black eyes, pointed pink nose, feet and tail and black ears. Female possums have a pouch. They have an unspecialized biology, the fact that they can consume almost anything. Their robust immune system and reproductive tactic enable them to be able to inhabit and survive in varied areas and conditions, where there is water, food (insects, snails and slugs, roof rats, cat food, dog food, people food.) and shelter.

• Opossums can invade houses and neighborhoods in chimneys, garages, attics, parked/ abandoned cars, under decks and patios, wall voids and crawlspaces. They can also make dens in tree cavities, brush piles and even another animal’s abandoned burrow.

• They are nocturnal and will only make noise at night as they head out for dinner at around 10pm and at dawn upon its return. Young ones will play, fight, cry and raise a ruckus at night while their mother is out. The bigger they grow the more risks they pose especially if they are familiar with your home.

• They can destroy, demolish, tear down, raze and obliterate the home. They may tunnel through insulation leaving it less effective, rummage through the kitchen/ food stores, chew on water lines ensuing in flooding. They will raise fire hazards and leave you with hefty repair bills. Opossum waste carries roundworms and rabies in humans.

So, if you want get rid of these animals, you have two options, do it yourself or call the wildlife specialists who has experience in this field to do it for you, especially when they have are many in a number.

Do It Yourself
1. Buy a large steel cage trap, at least 32*10*12. Before embarking on this, ensure it is legal to trap wildlife in your locale. This trap is easily available in stores for purchase.

2. The location of the trap is essential for the process to be a success. Lay the trap where the possum frequents. In addition, flat ground is preferred; the trap should not move about. Next, make sure it is in a shady spot so that the trapped creature does not suffer in the sun’s heat.

3. Bait the trap. Though they are flexible consumers, they seem to favor smelly-meat based bait. However, this may attract other animals or strays in which case you can substitute bread and marshmallows.

4. Check the trap frequently. The moment the animal gets trapped, you should remove it as soon as possible and in one piece. It is advisable not to trap them during spring as babies may become orphaned and die.

5. When relocating the animal, be careful and do not put your fingers inside the cage. Put a protective layer of newspaper or any other material just in case it poops while being relocated. The possum will most likely ‘play dead’ as a defense mechanism when you try to release it so a blow on it and encourage it to run out of the cage.

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How to Trap Opossums